- 接受两个命令行参数用于指定搜索路径和日志保存路径,可以方便的嵌入QA的脚本链中。
- 如果检查出指定目录(及其递归子目录)中有非法文件,会保存在以当前时间命名的log文件中,全部合格则不会产生该文件
- 代码比较硬,两段注释起来的部分是用来对指定后缀的文件进行检查,之前是这样写的,不过QA说直接检查所有文件就行,于是就雪藏了
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
#param[1]:the absolute path of the root to search
#param[2]:the absolute path of the log file to saved
import os, re, sys, time
def checkName(name):
pattern = re.compile("\W") #only numbers, charactors and underline
match = pattern.search(name)
if not match:
return False;
return True
assert len(sys.argv) >= 2, "PARAM ERROR: Need a root path"
assert len(sys.argv) >= 3, "PARAM ERROR: Need a output path"
print "\n================Scanning================\n"
logTime = time.strftime("%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", tiem.localtime(time.time()))
fileName = ""
if sys.argv[2][-1]!=os.sep:
fileName = sys.argv[2] + os.sep + logTime + ".txt"
fileName = sys.argv[2] + logTime + ".txt"
logFile = open(fileName, "w")
if not logFile:
print "Log File can't create!"
num = 0
totalNum = 0
extList = [".lua", ".ccbi", ".png", ".plist"]
for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk (sys.argv[1]):
for f in fileNames:
ext = os.path.splitext(f)
totalNum += 1
if checkName(f[:len(ext[0])]):
num += 1
logFile.write(os.path.join(dirPath, f) + "\n")
print os.path.join(dirPath, f)
for suffix in extList:
in ext[1] = suffix:
totalNum += 1
if checkName(f[:len(ext[0])]):
num += 1
logFile.write(os.path.join(dirPath,f) +"\n")
print os.path.join(dirPath,f)
print "\n================Finished================\n"
print "%d" % totalNum + "files checked"
print "%d" % num + "error(s)"
if num == 0:
print "Logdata is saved in " + fileName